Camp Dues

Camp Dues & Registration

Welcome! This is the place where you can  1️⃣ register  2️⃣ pay camp dues  3️⃣ sign up for volunteer shifts!

    ✯1️⃣ REGISTER ✯



    UP NEXT:


    ✯2️⃣ PAY DUES✯

    This form will redirect you to PayPal to complete your camp dues payment
       On or before July 4th: $450
       After July 4th: $550

    If you have already submitted a DEPOSIT payment for 2020, please check the box below and you will be sent directly to STEP 3️⃣

    Amount DEPOSIT paid (required if you checked the box above): $

    If you have already submitted FULL payment for 2020, please check the box below and you will be sent directly to STEP 3️⃣



       After submitting payment via PayPal, you will be redirected to the Volunteer Signup sheet


    *We will send important information regarding Lotus Ranch BRC to the email address you provide. Your information will not be shared.